Anton Adămuț, Dacă tăceai, filosof rămâneai?, Editura Junimea, Iași, 2024


  • Catalin Stanciulescu


Cuvinte cheie:

„silence”, Plato, Boethius, Aristotle, the felix culpa paradox, Augustin, Leibniz, lingua graeca, curiositas, apophatismus, «Caesar», Whitehead, the "Delphic knife" (delphikí máchaira)


Anton Adămuț's recent book, Dacă tăceai, filosof rămâneai (If You Had Remained Silent, Would You Have Remained a Philosopher?), includes several essays, thematically varied, stylistically unitary, published with the same titles, but in a considerably smaller form, in several specialized journals. Rich thematically, varied in terms of the perspectives taken into account in each commentary and each analysis, interesting and attractive through the conclusions obtained, surprising through the associations and developments constructed, Anton Adămuț's book is, through the proposed objectives and the means put into play for their realization, a valuable collection of academic exercises; Due to the variety and consistency of the sources used and the illustrations it contains, it is a particularly useful study tool.


